Recyling Information:
Town of Spring Grove Recycling drop off site open Saturdays 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Drop Off Site Address: Old Town Hall at the intersection of County G & Town Center Road
What to recycle in WI - (Visit DNR website)
In Wisconsin, you cannot put many recyclable or compostable items in the trash. Wisconsin's recycling law bans the landfilling or incineration of these materials to conserve valuable resources. These disposal bans went into effect in several stages, beginning in the 1990s. Two new bans took effect in 2010 and 2011, covering electronics and used oil filters. Note that some local ordinances may require additional materials to be recycled.
Many local recycling programs and drop-off centers accept additional materials for recycling, so be sure to check with your local program or recycling hauler for a complete list of what can be recycled.
Aluminum-cans and foil-rinse clean. Glass-clear, green, brown, bottles and jars, rinse clean. NO LIDS, NO WINDOW GLASS. Plastic-all plastic containers marked #1 through #7; 5 gal. pails, wire handles removed; rinse clean.
Cardboard and mixed paper-corrugated cardboard-flattened; newspapers, phone books, postit notes, typing paper, white letterhead, writing paper, beverage cases, adding machine tape, carbonless forms, cereal boxes, colored paper, computer paper, copy paper, envelopes, windowed envelopes, fax paper, file folders, magazines, manila folders. NO NAPKINS, PAPER TOWELS, TISSUE, PAPER PLATES OR WAXED MATERIAL. PLEASE NO PLASTIC BAGS OR STYROFOAM.
Recycling Facts: Decomposition of landfill materials
Paper - 2-5 months
Orange Peels - 6 months
Milk Cartons - 5 years
Plastic Bags - 10-20 years
Leather Shoes - 24-40 years
Disposable Diapers - 75 years
Styrofoam - NEVER
Town of Spring Grove DOES NOT provide garbage pick-up. Listed below are some local companies.
Waste Management 888-960-0008
Pelliteri Waste Systems 608-257-4285
LRS 608-580-0580 www.LRS (